Sunday, February 16, 2014

Traveling to Ecuador - WHY?

The time is fast approaching for our three week trip to Ecuador.  This blog will identify our adventures there.  But first, let me explain WHY Ecuador?

We have definitely been asked that by our friends and family.  There are many reasons, but one is for fun. Ecuador is known for its eternal spring weather, welcoming people and vast ecosystem.  Within a few hours you can travel from open beaches to the Andes mountains to the Amazon jungle.  Don't forget that the Galapagos Islands are also part of Ecuador where some critters can only be found. Ecuador is also known for its vast array of wildlife, fresh fruits and vegetables and beautiful flowers.  There are wonderful marketplaces full of indigenous crafts and Colonial cities with amazing architecture.  Ecuador is a place that you can take a break and breath fresh air, scuba dive, fish, ride horses, climb mountains, river raft and so much more.  So I say, why NOT Ecuador?

Yusani National Forest, Ecuador
You can have all this and stay within a tight budget.  Of course, you could spend tons of money, but you don't have to.  Decent hotels can be found at very reasonable prices.  Dining can cost as little at $1.50.  Traveling within the country is inexpensive and easy.  For instance, a flight from Quito to Cuenca cost only $7.  Yes, I said SEVEN dollars.  OK, there were traditional fees and taxes, but the whole one-way ticket cost $37.43.

If you are like my co-worker you just said, "Yeah, and what kind of plane are you flying on?"  That is a good question? Really all the wonderful things said above are what other people have said.  So, what is Ecuador really like?  We will find out soon.  Both of us will be posting things that we have really wondered about Ecuador and sharing our adventures right here.  So check back soon for more info.  If you have a question about Ecuador send us an email and we will try to find an answer for you.


1 comment:

  1. Great travel blog Heather! Just so you know, flights from Quito to Cuenca vary depending on how early you book the flight. Lately they have been up there around $120 round trip. But generally speaking you can fly as low as $30-50 dollars round trip. Also you will be flying LAN or Avianca into Cueca...and they are really good airlines! A bus ride from Quito to Cuenca will cost $8-15 and it takes 10 hours on a bus. From Guayaquil to Cuenca is 4 hours and costs $8. From Guayaquil to the coast such as Manta is another $8. The buses are very comfortable and not bad for the price. Happy traveling and see you here in Cuenca soon!
